Everything You Need To Know About All Types Of Palm Trees
Majesty Palm Tree

The Majesty Palm, scientific name Ravenea rivularis, is a very shade-tolerant palm that will reach 10′ in height very quickly. It grows and looks best situated under a canopy of tall trees. Its greatest drawback is its requirement to be fertilized frequently to maintain a healthy green color. It is tolerant of different soil types. Check out our blog all about the majesty palm tree.
Majesty Palm Tree Info
Scientific name: Ravenea rivularis
Common names: It is also known as Majestie Palm and Majestic Palm.
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: It is native to Madagascar.
Appearance: The Majesty Palm is a very large palm with a large, untidy crown. This feather palm which grows up to 12m high has symmetrical leaves and develops an attractive swollen base at the trunk. The smooth trunk is about 12″ in diameter. It has attractive pinnate leaves up to 18 inches in length on erect stems attached to an adherent base.
Flowers/Fruits: Ravenea rivularis produces small white flowers that grow on branched inflorescence. Male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. Flowers are followed by bright red, spherical fruits that are 1-1.3 cm long.
Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate. This palm can grow up to 10 – 20 ft tall and 5-10 ft wide.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both. The Majesty Palm is a popular house plant. It is a great floor plant that can quickly grow to 10 feet tall. The tall green fronds of foliage make this plant a great addition to any room, but it’s going to be happy in a pot only for a few years. Once the Majesty Palm gets older it needs to be transplanted outside. The Kentia palm is a much better indoor plant. If you keep it inside for too long it will start to slowly decline.
Cold Tolerance: Majesty Palm Tree can tolerate cold down to 25F. It is great for growing in the USDA Zones 9b (25 to 30 F) to 11 (above 40 F).
Light Req: Low to Moderate, Moderate, Moderate to High. This palm can easily adjust to any light level.
Water Req: Moderate. The plant must have a proper drainage setup. Do not allow the roots to sit in water. On the other end, do not allow the plant to dry out completely in between watering either. This palm also prefers a slightly higher humidity level, so a daily misting will add plenty of beauty to your plant.
During summer, I recommend watering it every day and once a week during winter. And one more thing about watering. If you have this plant outside, make sure not to overwater its crown with sprinklers. Majesty's palm crown is very sensitive to too much moisture.
Maintenance: This is a very easy-to-grow plant if you're growing it outside. If you live in Florida you can plant it and forget about it. No maintenance. If you live in California, it’s a little harder because of the cold winter. This is not a very hardy palm. You will probably need to wrap it in the winter. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has a continuous-release formula twice a year during the growing season.
Insects and Diseases: Common pests to this plant are scale and mites. If problems with pests appear, try misting the plant with a soapy water mixture twice a day. If spider mites still appear try a more powerful spray available from your local gardening store.
Propagation: The propagation is through seeds. Wait till the fruit is fully ripened before taking the seeds out. Seeds need to be cleaned and dried. The Majesty Palm seeds don’t store well, so try to sow them as soon as possible.
Plant in well-draining soil mix at 1″ depth. Keep warm, lightly moist, and in filtered sunlight. This palm needs sufficient fertilizer and must be fertilized every 3 months or whenever its deep green color begins to fade. This inexpensive and commonly available palm is easy to grow.
Top 25 Benefits Of The Majesty Palm Tree
Aesthetic Appeal: Majesty Palm trees enhance the visual appeal of any landscape with their lush, tropical appearance.
Easy Maintenance: They require low maintenance, making them suitable for beginner gardeners.
Air Purification: They help purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
Tolerate Indoor Conditions: Majesty Palms can thrive indoors with the right care, perfect for office or home decoration.
Enhances Humidity: They help increase humidity in dry environments.
Non-Toxic: Majesty Palms are non-toxic to pets.
Versatility: They come in various sizes, suitable for different spaces.
Shade Provider: They provide excellent shade in sunny areas.
Erosion Control: Their root system helps prevent soil erosion.
Wind Break: They offer protection from strong winds when planted in groups.
Noise Reduction: The foliage acts as a sound barrier, reducing noise pollution.
Privacy Screen: Mature trees can serve as a privacy screen.
Habitat for Wildlife: They provide habitat for various bird species.
Long Lifespan: With proper care, these trees can live for many years.
Economical: Majesty Palms are relatively inexpensive compared to other palm trees.
Resilience: They have a strong resistance to pests and diseases.
Weather Resilient: They can withstand a variety of weather conditions.
Soil Improver: The fallen leaves decompose and enrich the soil.
Fast Growing: Majesty Palms are known for their fast growth rate.
Year-Round Greenery: They maintain their lush green appearance all year round.
Soothing Effect: The rustling sound of the leaves has a calming effect.
Foliage: The large leaves can be used in crafting and decoration.
Carbon Sequestration: These trees are effective in capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Landscaping: They are popular in landscaping for their aesthetic appeal.
Low Allergenic: Majesty Palms are low-allergenic, making them ideal for people with allergies.