Everything You Need To Know About All Types Of Palm Trees
Windmill Palm Tree A Palm Tree In The Snow

The Windmill Palm Tree, scientific name Trachycarpus fortunei, is one of the most popular palms because of its ability to withstand temperatures down to 5 degrees makes it a great choice for areas in USDA zones 7-11. Whenever you see pictures of palm trees in the snow, this is usually what you see. This palm tree can be grown in states such as Alaska, Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and more. It is a very adaptable palm and is simple to grow. You can also start it indoors until it gets too big.
Windmill Palm Tree Info
Scientific name: Trachycarpus fortunei
Common names: The Windmill Palm is also known as Chusan Palm and Chinese Windmill Palm.
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: It is native to central and eastern China.
Appearance: Trachycarpus fortunei has a slender single trunk that is around 8 to 10 inches in diameter. The trunk is covered with a loose mat of coarse gray or brown fiber and is a bit narrower at the base.
The Windmill Palm has palmate, sword-like leaves that are 4 ft in diameter. They range from dark green to yellow-green in color that seems almost silvery on the underside. Leaves grow upward more so than outward. The petiole is about 1 ½ feet long and armed with sharp thorns.
Flowers/Fruits: The Windmill Palm is dioecious, male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. In the early summer, the luscious Windmill Palm produces large plumes of yellow flowers on the male plants and greenish on the female plants. Flowers are held on 3ft long branched stalks. Later flowers of the female plants transform into bluish-black fruits that are about 1/2 in (1.3 cm) in diameter. The fruits get ripe in the mid-fall. The Windmill Palm fruit is not edible.
Growth Rate: Slow. The windmill is a slow-growing palm that can reach 10 – 20 ft in height and 5-10 ft wide.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Cold Tolerance: is extremely cold-hardy and can tolerate cold down to 5F when mature. The fronds can handle weight also, making it one of the best palm trees in the snow. It is great for growing in USDA Zones 7b (5 to 10 F) to 11 (above 40 F).
Light Req: Partial shade.
Growth Rate: Moderate. The Windmill Palm likes moist and well-drained soil. Enough moisture in the soil speeds up plant growth and improves appearance. Although Windmill Palm is very drought tolerant, irregular watering and drought will slow its growth rate dramatically. For the best results, water it every other day, for the first three months, and weekly for the remainder of its first year.
Maintenance: Easy. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during the growing season.
Insects and Diseases: Very few insects and disease problems exist to endanger growing Windmill Palm trees. Scales and palm aphids are pests that usually cause problems for Windmill Palm. Windmill Palm may be infected by root rot, moderately susceptible to lethal yellowing disease, and leaf spots.
Propagation: Propagated by seeds. Windmill palm seeds will germinate in 8 to 12 weeks without a lot of fuss. Sow seed at 75°F in spring or fall.
Purchase: Looking for palm trees in the snow?! You can find these cold-hardy palm trees for sale, or even rent at www.ctpalmtrees.com
Learn more about Palm Trees In The Snow!
Top 20 Benefits Of The Cold Hardy Windmill Palm Tree
Cold-Tolerant: The Windmill Palm tree is renowned for its exceptional cold tolerance which allows it to flourish in cooler climates.
Resilience: It is a robust species with a high survival rate, even in tough environmental conditions.
Low Maintenance: This tree requires relatively little care compared to other palm varieties.
Compact Size: Its manageable size makes it suitable for a variety of landscapes.
Attractive Appearance: With its fan-like fronds and slender trunk, the windmill palm tree makes a graceful addition to any landscape.
Privacy: Its dense foliage can provide a natural privacy screen.
Noise Reduction: The tree can absorb and block noise, thus contributing to a quieter environment.
Air Purification: Like other plants, the windmill palm tree absorbs CO2 and releases oxygen, improving air quality.
Erosion Control: Its root system can help stabilize soil and prevent erosion.
Habitat: These trees can also serve as a home for certain species of birds and insects.
Shade: The large fronds provide shade, making the surroundings cooler.
Wind Resistance: Its sturdy trunk and firm root system make it resilient to strong winds.
Disease Resistance: This species has a strong resistance to many common plant diseases.
Drought Tolerance: The Windmill Palm tree has the ability to withstand periods of drought once established.
Adaptable: It can adapt to various soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils.
Salinity Tolerance: The tree is known to tolerate soils with high salt concentrations, making it suitable for coastal planting.
Long-Lived: Windmill Palms are known for their longevity and can live for many decades under proper care.
Seasonal Interest: It retains its attractive appearance throughout the seasons.
Non-Invasive: Unlike some other species, the windmill palm's roots do not cause damage to sidewalks or foundations.
Urban Tolerance: It withstands the rigors of urban environments including air pollution and lack of natural rainwater.