Everything You Need To Know About All Types Of Palm Trees
Saw Palmetto Palm Tree

Saw Palmetto Palm Tree, scientific name Serenoa repens or Sereno repens, is one of the cold hardiest palm trees that can tolerate cold down to 0F, making it a perfect palm for landscape in USDA zones 7-11. This palm can be grown in states like Alaska, Alabama, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and more. It can also grow indoors if enough light is provided.
Saw Palmetto Palm Tree Info
Scientific name: Serenoa repens or Sereno repens
Common names: The Saw Palmetto is also known as Silver Saw Palmetto Palm and Scrub Palm.
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: It is native to Florida and grows all over the southeastern United States.
Appearance: It can spread up to 20ft or more in diameter. It grows as a shrub with stems occurring below the ground or runs along the ground, creating a dense ground cover. Stems gradually bury to form rhizomes. Stems sprouted from rhizomes can measure 10 to 15 feet in length. Occasionally, it develops an erect or arching trunk that is covered with old leaf bases.
Each clump has about 20-25 large palmate, fan-shaped, leaves, that are supported by 2ft long, petioles. Stems are armed with very sharp spines, hence the name Saw Palmetto Palm. Leaves are evergreen, stiff, about 3ft across, covered with waxy film, with 18-20 leaflets. The common Saw Palmetto has green leaves but there are some silvery-green leaved types as well.
Flowers/Fruits: During spring the Saw Palmetto Palm produces small, yellow-white, fragrant flowers that are growing in dense clusters. Flowers are supported by 3ft long branched inflorescence emerging from the leaf bases. The Saw Palmetto Palm flowers are a great source of commercial high-grade honey. Flowers are followed by yellowish-green fruits that gradually turn blue-black as they ripen August through October.
Fruits are small, berry-like, oval, and fleshy. These berries are an important food source for many mammals and birds. The berries have been used for medicinal purposes helping to treat some prostate and urinary problems.
Growth Rate: Slow. Serenoa repens is a small hardy palm that can grow up to 5-10ft tall and 1-5 ft wide.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Cold Tolerance: The Saw Palmetto Palm is one of the cold hardiest palm trees that can tolerate cold down to 0F. It is great for growing in the USDA Zones 7a (0 to 5 F) to 11 (above 40 F).
Light Req: The Saw Palmetto Palm Tree likes full sun but will tolerate some shade.
Water Req: Moderate. It needs moderate watering but is very tough in drought conditions.
Maintenance: Easy. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during the growing season.
Propagation: Propagated by seeds.
Top 5 Benefits Of The Saw Palmetto Palm Tree
The Saw Palmetto Palm tree, or Serenoa repens, is renowned for its numerous benefits.
Medicinal properties: Extracts from saw palmetto berries have been used in traditional medicine to treat urinary and reproductive issues.
Anti-inflammatory effects: It possesses significant anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate pain and swelling.
Wildlife habitat: It serves as a crucial habitat and food source for wildlife, particularly for the threatened Florida panther and various bird species.
Landscaping purposes: Its unique fan-shaped leaves make it an attractive choice for landscaping and adds aesthetic value to the surroundings.
Wind and flood resistance: Its tough, resilient nature makes it an excellent plant for coastal areas as it can withstand high winds and flooding.