Everything You Need To Know About All Types Of Palm Trees
Orange Crownshaft Palm Tree

The Orange Crownshaft Palm Tree, scientific name Areca vestiaria or Areca vastiaria, is definitely an exotic and rare palm that is well-known for its stunning bright orange crownshaft. Orange Crownshaft Palm Tree can also grow indoors.
Orange Crownshaft Palm Tree Info
Scientific name: Areca vestiaria or Areca vastiaria
Common names: The Orange Crownshaft Palm is also known as Areca vestiaria, and Sunset Palm.
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: It is native to Moluccas Islands, which is off the coast of Indonesia.
Appearance: It has a single smooth trunk ringed with old leaf scars, about 20ft tall and 4 inches in diameter. Pinnate, feather-shaped leaves emerge from a stunning bright orange crownshaft, hence the name Orange Crownshaft Palm. It occasionally has impressive stilt roots.
The bright orange petioles and crownshaft make a striking contrast against the dark green leaves and can be seen even from far away. The Orange Crownshaft Palm looks much more spectacular when grouped together as 3 or 4 plants. Fronds are lush green to deep yellow-green in color, 4ft long and 2ft wide, with 20-30 wide leaflets. Gracefully arching leaves grow on smooth, unarmed, yellow to orange stems.
Flowers/Fruits: In the summer, the Orange Crownshaft Palm produces small yellow-orange to yellow-green flowers that grow in clusters on a short inflorescence among the leaves. The inflorescence emerges at the point where the crownshaft meets the trunk. The Orange Crownshaft Palm is monoecious, male and female reproductive units are born on the same plant. There are fewer female flowers than male, but female flowers are larger.
Flowers are followed by orange or yellow fruits that grow in clusters. As the fruits mature and ripen, they change in color from light brown to light orange to deep orange, to maroon. The fruit is oval, edible, about 1 inch long.
Growth Rate: Slow. Areca vestiaria is a slow-growing palm that can get up to 10 – 20 ft tall and 5 – 10 ft wide.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Cold Tolerance: Once this palm has been established, it is known to tolerate temperatures down 30F. Since this palm likes warm weather, try to avoid cold temperatures and protect it from the frost. It is great for USDA Zones 10a (30 to 35 F) to 11 (above 40 F).
Light Req: Partial shade to Full sun.
Water Req: Moderate. It requires moist well-draining soil to flourish to its full potential.
Maintenance: Easy to Moderate. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during the growing season.
Propagation: Propagation by seed takes around 2-3 months to germinate.