Everything You Need To Know About All Types Of Palm Trees
Cabbage Palm Tree - Sabal Palmetto Palm

The Cabbage Palm Tree, scientific name Sabal palmetto, is one of many of the cold hardy palm trees belonging to the genus Sabal. The Cabbage Palm Tree has gained popularity because it is very durable and will tolerate a wide variety of soil and weather conditions.
This cold-hardy palm is widely used for landscaping all throughout Florida and other southern states, including; Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, and California. Because it is very salt-tolerant you can plant it on the beachside.
Cabbage Palm Tree Info - Sabal Palmetto
Scientific name: Sabal palmetto
Common names: It is also known as Sabal bermudana, Sabal causiarum, Sabal etonia, Sabal mexicana, Sabal minor, Sabal miamiensis, Sabal Palmetto Sabal Palm, Carolina Palmetto, and Sabal Palmetto. All these names come from the Spanish “palmito” which means small palm.
Family: Arecaceae
Origin: The Cabbage Palm Tree is native to North America.
Appearance: The Cabbage Palm has a single, gray, unbranched trunk covered with old leaf bases, also known as boots. Leaf bases create a criss-cross pattern. It gets smoother as the palm matures. The trunk is about 10-15 inches in diameter. Because there is no crownshaft, large leaves grow right from the trunk spreading in all directions 10-20 ft wide. Leaves range in color from bright green to deep olive green. Spineless stems are about 5-6 ft long. The Cabbage Palm has costapalmate-type leaves, a mix of palmate and pinnate, or a mix of feather-shaped and fan-shaped leaves. Leaves have 50-80 leaflets that are about 1″ to 2″ wide. The Cabbage Palm is very durable and resistant to breaking with a strong root system that penetrates the soil to 15-20 feet deep.
Flowers/Fruits: In the summer, the Cabbage Palm bears small creamy to white flowers that droop in clusters from within the crown. Fragrant flowers are held by 2ft long branching inflorescence. Flowers are followed by a black fruit 1/3 inch with a single seed inside. The Cabbage Palm fruit is edible.
Growth Rate: In the wild Sabal palmetto can grow up to 80ft tall, but in cultivation, it usually doesn’t get higher than 30-40 ft tall and 10-15 ft wide.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Cold Tolerance: The Cabbage Palm is very durable because it adapts to all kinds of soil and weather conditions. It can tolerate drought as well as cold down to 10F when mature enough. Grows best in the USDA Zones 8a (10 to 15 F) to – 11 (above 40 F).
Light Req: Partial shade to full sun. It likes full sun but can also grow in a partial shade. Less sun exposure will increase the crown of the palm.
Water Req: Although it is a very tolerable palm it likes moist well-drained soil.
Maintenance: Easy. The Cabbage Palms is very much maintenance-free. Apply good quality palm fertilizer that has a continuous release formula twice a year during the growing season.
Insects and Diseases: Generally very healthy palm.
Propagation: The Cabbage Palm is propagated by seeds.
Top Benefits And Facts Of The Sabal Palmetto Palm Tree
The Sabal Palmetto Palm, an iconic symbol of the southeastern United States, boasts numerous benefits and fascinating facts that make it a remarkable species worth exploring.
Sabal Palmetto Palm is the state tree of both South Carolina and Florida.
It's highly resilient to storms and hurricanes due to its flexible trunk and deep root system.
The tree is a native species to the southeastern United States.
The Sabal Palmetto Palm can live up to 100 years or more.
It tolerates a wide range of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils.
The tree is tolerant to salt spray, making it ideal for coastal plantings.
Sabal Palmetto Palm is a vital food source for wildlife; its fruits are eaten by a variety of birds and mammals.
The tree can grow up to 20-30 meters tall.
Its fan-shaped leaves can grow to be 2-3 meters wide.
The Sabal Palmetto Palm is also known as the "Cabbage Palm".
Its heart is edible and was used as a food source by Native Americans.
The leaves of the Sabal Palmetto Palm have been used to make brooms and roofing thatch.
It's a drought-tolerant tree once established.
The tree is slow-growing, taking many years to reach full height.
The Sabal Palmetto Palm produces flowers that attract bees and other pollinators.
It has a high tolerance for heat and can survive in environments where temperatures exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The tree's wood is used for wharf pilings, posts, and construction timbers.
Sabal Palmetto Palm can also be used for landscaping and street planting.
The Sabal Palmetto Palm's fruit is a small, dark berry that turns black when ripe.
It's known for its resilience and adaptability, able to survive in a wide range of environmental conditions.